Bleach: A Shinigami's Resolve
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The "BLEACH" System

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The "BLEACH" System Empty The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:29 am

Heres my idea, accumulated from what I've got so far. I won't go too deep into detail concerning a few things(Such as Ranks, Race Powers, etc.. Both to prevent Spoilers and also to keep you guys guessing), but I'll give you enough to understand.

Kons Points(SPs), or simply Kons, will be key to the entire Character Creation. What exactly ARE Soul Points you say? Well, yay!!! Kon Points are the universal points which represent a Character's powers. As many of you know, Kon means "Soul." Thus, Kons(Souls) are used to purchase a character's skills.

Kons are unique in the fact that they're won't be a normal limit- Rather, Kons will continue to fall into a character's hands as they fight more, becoming skilled and unique.

Why Kons? - Simply, its cool. Originally, I wanted to go with Soul Points, but Kon Points seem to be more "Bleach", and is my way of paying homage to the great Hero, Kon.

Why Points at all!!!? - Simply, its a mathematical way for us to measure a character's skills and divide up their abilities. Not ever Character is going to be perfect, and they aren't all going to be the same. Kons allow us to measure this.

How come you're not making a max? - Simply, I feel that it would be a bit dumb. Ya see, I plan on this RP not to focus on ranks as much as simple RPing Skill and overall activity. While ranks will give you an increase in Kons, being more active then a higher up could eventurally make you stronger. This way, noobs will have a chance to compete with Veterans. And even with good activity, doesn't matter if you Spam, or just suck at RPing.

How Do I get Kons? - Kons will be given according to RP Skill, Activity, and over-all coolness. There will be three ways to obtain them.

1. Character Rank - Every character will start with 5 Kons to spend on his four Individual Stats. By moving up to rank(Such as gaining a promotion, evolving, or simply being powerful) more Kons will be awarded. This is the obvious, but overall, less potent way, as these Kons are only gained once.

2. Major RP Awards - When you RP, ya won't gain Kons. Why is this? Well, for one, most people can do a very short RP, or do it every second they can. This leads to spamming, multi-topics, and insanity. It will also cause mods to worker hard then they should. Instead, there will be "Major RPs", or MRPs. These will generally be important to the actual plot, and have a game-effecting end. Thus, while training with your best Bud won't win you Kons, participating in an invasion of Soul Society probably will. Major RPs will be defined as such, and are generally planned out beforehand by the Mods or Admins, though special trainings may also be awarded Kons as well.

3. Resolve - At the end of each month, the Admins and Veteran Mods will each choose one Character they deem has shown great RP Skill, fairness, and good activity. The Admins will then raffle, randomly choosing one of the elected Characters. That Character will then receive a Kon Bonus.

What do I spend Kons on? - Kons will be used in purchasing Combat Stats. These will be graded on Numbered Levels, with, obviously, the higher the number, the better the user's skill in the Art. Unlike most RPs, however, the User's Race will have Different stats to choose from. Some will simply be re-names(Such as Agility to Movements Arts) while others will be completely different(Zanjutsu to Marksmanship). Even more, as some Races may gain unique skills..

Generally, however, there are Four to choose from, giving you plenty of room to be Unique.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Ichi Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:00 am

I think it looks good. and i like the term kon for it. well now this is the part were we slowly get out of inactivity!

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:06 am

Example System

Zanjutsu (Cutting Technique) is the level of combat Skill a Shinigami has with his blade. This skill determines the user's skill with the blade, and their ability to cut. While this also influences Sword Releases, especially power based ones, this skill focuses more on direct assault and swordsmanship.

Kido (The Demon Path) is the art of channeling Spiritual Pressure through one's body. Unlike a Zanpaktou, Kido is entirely based on the user's Reiatsu Control, and thus, is unique. Kido is divided into Three arts: Hado(Destructive Arts) , Bakudo(Binding Arts), and Chido(Healing arts). The higher the level, the more spells the user knows, and the higher the number of the Spell.

Agility is the Shinigami's natural speed and skill with movement techniques. This measures their ability to dodge attacks, striking accuracy, and use special techniques such as walking on air and the ever famous Shunpo.

Hakuda (White Strike) is a style of martial arts used by the Shinigami. It uses a combination of powerful strikes and lightning reflexes to combat even those skilled with Zanpaktou. Those who practice Hakuda are also noted for their Iron Fortitude and a power attack known as Shunko.

An Example Character

Saito Abarra

Rank: Shinigami (Unseated)

Zanjutsu: 2
Kido: 1
Agility: 2
Hakuda: 1

Total Kons used: 5/5

As you gain points, you will be able to use special powers. Example, a Zanjutsu user will be able to learn different sword attacks and attacking styles. They will be able to overwhelm lesser bladesman.

Kido users will be rewarded with Multiple Kido spells to choose from, allowing them to overwhelm the enemy with a barrage of unique techniques, binding and blasting, or shielding and healing. They will also be rewarded with unique Reiatsu control that others fail to achieve.

Agility specialists will be able to zip past an enemy's defenses, striking at random moments and outflashing their opponents. They will be able to unlock Shunpo, and various speed-based techniques, such as Senka and Utsusemi.

Hakuda Experts will be able to withstand great amounts of pain, shrugging off attacks like its nothing. Grappling an enemy and throwing them like a doll, they will be able to achieve unique martial arts, and will be able to combine reiatsu into their attacks.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Hideki Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:21 am

And what does 1, 2, 3, etc allow?

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:24 am

I'm working on that. Like I said, its a basis.

But, it will probably be pretty basic. Example, Agility Lv.1 would make you able to perform basic quick movement, while Lv.2 would give Shunpo, perhaps Lv.3 allow walking on Air, etc...

Like I said, still working out the bugs.
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Hideki Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:25 am

Well, if it's 1 Kon per level, you'd get advanced pretty quick...

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:31 am

I realize that. Which is why I was planning for costs to rise at players level up.

Lv.1-3 would cost One Point,
Lv. 4-6 2 Points,

I'm thinking perhaps a Max of 10 Levels in a Skill. That would allow PLENTY of room to up, but also make it so I wouldn't have to keep making levels.

Total, to get to level 10 in any Stat would require 22 Kons. SO, I think it would work out. Very Happy
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Kin Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:27 pm

Like always good work. I like how you are planning this stuff out. Well I might be on latter dont know kinda not suppose to be on right now Rolling Eyes I should be in bed trying to sleep, but I say NAY!!! (Sorry about that just a little bored and annoyed because I feel like shit >.<)

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Kage Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:13 am

Good Job its a nice start Very Happy

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:46 am

The Quincy

This is used to measure the amount of talent a Quincy has with the bow. The Higher the level, the more precise the user's arrows are and, and the more powerful. As most Quincys use Bows, this is generally used.

This stat defines a Quincy's ability to dodge, as well as move with speed. The ability to not be hit allows a Quincy to easily stay out of an enemy's way, as well as shoot freely. This also allows a Quincy to learn Hirenyaku, a technique that is similar to Shunpo.

Particle Manipulation
All Quincys use Spiritual particles within their attacks. There very race is centered around their sensitivity to Reiatsu, as well as they unique way of using it. This skill also effects the strength of arrows, and allows a Quincy to use techniques such as Ginto Spells.

Item Proficiency
Many Quincys use more then just a simple bow. Many use unique power supporters, that are able to further increase their control over energy. Others function as make-shift blades, cutting when a Quincy is forced into close range, or draining an enemy's Spiritual power.

Marksmanship will allow Quincys to become pin-point snipers, focusing on precise and accurate shots that will piece enemy defenses, or easily surpass an enemy's agility. Marksman will be able to learn special forms of arrow shots, and will pin down an enemy with his arrows.

Reflex will allow a Quincy to quickly set up an attack, whether running and firing as an enemy chases you, or moving in an instant and firing from all sides. Those who utilize Reflexes will be a hard enemy to hit, and will reply with their own speed oriented strikes from afar. They focus more on not getting hit, then hitting.

Particle Manipulation is a trait that most Quincy should at least dabble in, as it is key to all their powers. By utilizing Spiritual particles, Quincys will be able to further improve all their skills. These Quincys will use specialized Ginko techniques, Silver Tube attacks, as well as other unique attacks, such as the famous Ranso Tengai.

Finally, Item Proficiency will allow Quincies to become a walking armory, using various gadgets and weapons to give them a great amount of versatility. Following Item Proficiency will allow Quincys to use unqiue items, such as the Fame Sanrei Glove, or the cutting Arrow, Seele Schneider, among other mysteries.

Last edited by Shiro on Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Hideki Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:46 pm

Quincy... I like it. I'll look over it a few more times before commenting...

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:59 am


Fearsome are the hollows, but even more so are those who have fallen to primitive instincts. Ferocity determines the deadliness and power of a Hollows strikes, as well as their stamina.

Some Hollows are slow walking masses, bulky and stiff-limbed. Yet, not all. Hollows who have Dexterity are able to out-leap, run, and dodge enemies. Sly, and cunning, this stat is used for the cautious as well as bold.

Energy Mastery
Many Hollows use various forms of energy in their attacks, sending beams of solidified Reiatsu to destroy their enemies. Varying from Hollow to Hollow, this power is the basis of the deadly technique, Cero.

Armor is the hardness of a Hollow's body, whether it has smooth , scaled, furry hide, or shell, it is all graded by this. Armor allows a Hollow to sharpen it's weapons, and block an enemies attacks, using only the spiritual particles that makes up it's body.

...Nope. No explaination this time. I'll write it later, but this stuff is pretty obvious stuff.

Last edited by Shiro on Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Hideki Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:55 am

Well, they all have the same thing of like speed, spell using, mainly known for, and special. Like Dexteriy, Agility, and Reflexes are basically the same thing...

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:26 pm

Some will simply be re-names(Such as Agility to Movements Arts) while others will be completely different(Zanjutsu to Marksmanship). Even more, as some Races may gain unique skills..

As I said, some will be re-named. I want to keep a semblance, but, as many racial features are present, I want to make sure each fit with the race.

So yes, I could just put Agility for all of them. But...that would be cheating. Besides, how they utilize speed, how their own "Dexterity" functions is different, in the end.

Example, Speed Shinigami wills be using stuff like Say, Iaijutsu. Meanwhile, a Hollow will be more of a stalker, stabbing from behind.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:36 am

Alright, I've decided to go with Armor for the Fourth Hollow Stat. This is so that when a Hollow becomes Arrancar, it will be able to fairly measure the level of their Hierro.

Human/Mod Soul

Affinity (Human)
Affinity is related to a Human's natural connection with the spiritual world. Unlike other naturally born entities, Humans do not have a normal sensing of the spiritual world. This measures how connected a Human is with their source of power, whether it originate from Hollow, Shinigami, or otherwise.

Tech (Mod Soul)
Unlike most Races, Mod Souls were created utilizing a combination of Spiritual Power(Likely related to Kido spells in some fashion) and advance technology(Likely the 12 Division). Because of this, Mod Souls have a number of functions that their body is able to utilize. As this rises up, Mod Souls will be able to upgrade their bodies as well as utilize more powerful functions.

Most Humans have little power, or at least, not enough to tangle with a Hollow. Then, there are such individuals who are able to focus their resolve into their muscles and release it upon an enemy, whether through a weapon or arm, and crush an enemy with it.

Humans carry no true discipline, no classic movement arts or shunpo techniques. However, that does not stop them from outrunning an opponent, or moving around an enemy's attack. Humans are able to move in their own way, which often surprises enemies.

Reiatsu Control
Like all Individuals, Humans use Spiritual Energy to propel many attacks, whether they be simple blasts of power, or complex incantations. A Human's perception is effected by Affinity with their source, but their skills with Reiatsu are what fine tune it, as well as most of their attacks.

I realize that most of this Stats for Humans are rather bland and lack the uniqueness. But well, thats because Human Powers are not easily calculated or made. They have the opportunity to have anything, and thus, it is difficult to get them all. But, Power, Speed, Reiatsu, and Affinity to their power can be applied to about any powers a Human makes. So, if you blame me for unoriginality...WELL, DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER!!!?

Affinity..Why Affinity? Well, simply this. Chad was able to release his new super arm because he finally accepted and understood what his power was similar to. I'm assuming that this would be the same for most. After all, Orihime's powers supposedly originated from Ichigo, but from what we can tell, she has her own secrets we don't know yet. (Example, Orihime can more or less play god, but she has not figured out exactly how yet. Meanwhile, Ichigo, the "Source" has nothing of the sort, rather, focuses just on blowing stuff up and kicking the shit out of people ..nothing wrong with that. XP )

Last edited by Shiro on Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:55 am

For Purposes of "I've only got so many Ideas", Mod Souls will have the same Stats as Humans, except for the Affinity, which will be instead replaced with "Tech".

Once again, its cheating a bit, but you must remember, that Humans and Mod Souls are very similar in how they fight, both utilizing greatly varying powers. While I do not like looking down on races, in the end, Humans and Mod Souls will become a "Second class rate", not necessarily in power, but just simple fame. Thus, it is easier to classify them in a similar manor.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:43 am

Another Edit. Item Control changed to Item Proficiency, and Reiatsu Proficiency changed to Reiatsu Control. Why? Because they sound better.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Dai Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:56 am

Shiro wrote:Another Edit. Item Control changed to Item Proficiency, and Reiatsu Proficiency changed to Reiatsu Control. Why? Because they sound better.

LOL Shiro

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:05 pm

Profiecient with Spiritual Energy? Or proficient with items? I mean seriously.

Item Control, Or Spiritual Energy Control?
Inner Hollow
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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Dai Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:19 pm

Akemi wrote:
Shiro wrote:Another Edit. Item Control changed to Item Proficiency, and Reiatsu Proficiency changed to Reiatsu Control. Why? Because they sound better.

LOL Shiro

Sorry I didn't mean it like that it does sound better.

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Ichi Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:39 am

ok so if a person starts out with five. how many seats are there? and how do we level up. im not sure if you are meaning by rank or by experiance. ( I would prefer experiance). but then it would take alot of ranks to get a decent amount of points to spend. and you said that with each (rank increase im assuming) it takes more points to get a level up in a skill.

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Shiro-Sama Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:33 am

Officially(As in in the Actual Manga/Anime Canon Info) There are 20 Seats within a Squad. However, I am thinking of perhaps limiting to a much smaller number, especially if we're still small.

Rank(Character Rank) does not determine the Amount of Kons you have. However, having a Higher rank gives you a bonus, as well as gives you Authority over those less then you.

Example, a Third and Higher Seat would be considered an "Officer." Lets say you become 5th Seat. For having that rank, you would get a Free Kon. However, as I said first in my explaination Ichi, Kons are obtained by numerous other ways, not rank.

Obviously, higher ranks give more of a Bonus. But Ranks DO NOT greatly effect your skills.
Inner Hollow
Inner Hollow

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Hideki Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:11 am

Shiro wrote:
Some will simply be re-names(Such as Agility to Movements Arts) while others will be completely different(Zanjutsu to Marksmanship). Even more, as some Races may gain unique skills..

As I said, some will be re-named. I want to keep a semblance, but, as many racial features are present, I want to make sure each fit with the race.

So yes, I could just put Agility for all of them. But...that would be cheating. Besides, how they utilize speed, how their own "Dexterity" functions is different, in the end.

Example, Speed Shinigami wills be using stuff like Say, Iaijutsu. Meanwhile, a Hollow will be more of a stalker, stabbing from behind.

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess.

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The "BLEACH" System Empty Re: The "BLEACH" System

Post by Tenchi Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:08 am

And here I thought this would be more delayed than NWOTN 3... I must hurry D=
Great work btw o.o

PS: Aren't there gonna be any Arrancars and Vaizard?

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